
发布时间:2016-12-16 浏览量:

报告题目: Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Mechanobiology of Living Cells and tissues.




Professor YuanTong Gu (顾元通)简介:

Dr. YuanTong Gu is now a full Professor, a prestigious ARC Future Fellow and Discipline Leader (机械系主任)at School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering of Queensland University of Technology (QUT,昆士兰科技大学). His research interests include Biomechanics; Biomedical engineering; Computational mechanics; Nanomaterials and Mechanical Engineering. He has secured 11 ARC grants (澳洲国家科学基金项目) with more than A$7million in research funding. He authored more than 210 refereed journal publications and one popular book. Most of his publications are in highly ranked journals including AFM, CMAME, IJNME, Nano Letters, Carbon. His expertise has been acknowledged through appointments as Editor-in-Chief for two journals including Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2013-2016), Associate Editor for a prestigious journal, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, International subject editor for Applied Mathematical Modelling, and an Editorial Board Member for other four journals. He served as the conference chair for the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods held at Gold Coast in 2012 and The 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics held at Brisbane in 2015.

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